Teaching Tips

Discipline in the Classroom

There is little learning without a ‘Disciplined Classroom’

The term ‘disciplined classroom’ does not mean that the classroom is boring, rigid, or tiresome. In fact, once guidelines are set and followed, the students are able to enjoy learning. The students are trained to be respectful to the teacher and to others. They are taught to listen and not to distract others. Children thrive in an atmosphere in which they know what is expected of them, they are listened to and respected in their own turn, and actually learn! Teachers should make every effort to make Sunday school an enjoyable time for all the students.

Tips for having a disciplined classroom:

Be Prepared:

• Teaching in a church is a privilege given to you by the pastors and by the parents.

• You have very little time—use it wisely.

• Arrive early to make sure everything is ready before you open door to welcome your students.

• Avoid chaos—set the tone for class before students enter the room. Welcome them cheerfully and quietly. When you open the door for students, be completely prepared. Have your memory verse written on the board, the lesson prepared, and all needed materials ready.

• Give the students your undivided attention. Do not have your friends or parents in to ‘chat’ before the lesson. Open the door at least ten minutes before class is scheduled to begin. Ask the students about their week—get to know them. Be friendly, loving, and interested in their lives!

Set Rules:

• Sit quietly during class time

• Do not interrupt teacher or other students

• Be respectful

• Obey immediately

• Listen (or pretend to!)

Get to know your students:

• Encourage parents to bring students ten minutes before class is scheduled to start.

• Invite each student to share some information with the class—what they did during the week, what they are looking forward to doing, etc.

• Do not allow students to interrupt one another.

• Allow the students to talk and visit during coloring/activity sheet time.

Teach good habits:

• When it is time to leave the classroom, instruct the students to gather belongings, put away supplies, push in chairs, and stand behind the chairs.

• If students do not obey quickly say, “I see that Sally has put her things away, pushed in her chair, and is standing quietly. Good job, Sally.”

• This often results in the whole class quickly getting ready to go.

Disobedient students:

• Make students aware of the fact that they must obey to remain in the classroom. Some just want attention and will try to disrupt the class for fun. Try saying quietly, “We are all waiting for Johnny to obey. We cannot ______ until everyone obeys.” Normally, a dead silence falls on the room. Johnny usually obeys.

Repeated disobedience or disruption:

• Inform disobedient student that if he will not obey, you will tell his parents of his behavior. Remind them that God has commanded children to obey parents. When parents place children in your care; they are expecting you to uphold God’s teaching.

• If you tell a student you will speak to his parents about his behavior- DO IT. If parents and teachers work together, behavior problems lessen quickly and often disappear.

• Withhold Not Correction by Bruce Ray is an excellent book to recommend to parents.

• Pray for wisdom and for God’s mercy in the hearts of the child, his parents, and yourself.