Future Releases

New Testament - Unit 4

Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension of Christ & The Beginning of the Church

Ages 10+

New Testament - Unit 5

Miracles and Teaching of the Apostles

Ages 10+

New Testament - Unit 6

Spread of the Gospel

Ages 10+

Old Testament - Unit 10

Kings of Judah and Israel

Ages 8+

Old Testament - Unit 11

The Ministries of Elijah and Elisha

Ages 8+

Old Testament - Unit 12

The Captivity and Rebuilding of Jerusalem

Ages 8+

Old Testament - Unit 5

The Wilderness Journey

Ages 4+

Old Testament - Unit 6

Joshua Leads Israel

Ages 4+

Old Testament - Unit 7

The Days of the Judges

Ages 4+

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